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Homemade Children’s Garments — India to Japan
April 7th - July 16th, 2016

This exhibition features children’s garments that were made by their mothers. I began collecting these pieces in 1983 when I visited the Jat people in the Kutch district of India. There I found children’s clothing with stunning, elaborate decorations on red cloth, including shining mirrors and beautiful pleats. In other villages I encountered a vast variety of children’s clothes. Later I encountered similar traditions in neighboring Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Near East including a garment decorated almost like a treasure with triangle good-luck charms and talismans, and another made of patchwork similar to a Japanese hyakutoku (one-hundred luck) kimono. From one of the mountainous regions of China come gorgeous indigo-dyed garments for children and embroidered garments for infants. The great variety of garments illustrates the rich tradition that reflects mothers’ love and care for their children, a tradition that is not being forgotten.